Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Last Straw

I am going back on meds I think.  I have been unmedicated for a year and a half with a short time in the middle where I went back on them.  I literally can't do life anymore.  I started a new job this week which is great but I remember how hard it is to work when I feel like such shit.  My stomach hurts so bad that when I walk around I just hug my arms around it.  It is huge all the time.  I still don't know what's wrong.  My gastroenterologist put me on antibiotics to try and change the flora in my gut.  I got a nice yeast infection from those for Valentine's day.  I also had a complete and total meltdown last night.

I told my husband that I felt that I must deserve all this shit.  That I've tried so hard in my life to do the right things and be a good person and it's just gotten me nowhere.  I got sick with my pelvic pain last year and lost my job and my best friend.  As soon as that was over this began.  I just can't take it anymore.  I told him I didn't deserve him.  I was mean to him because he was complaining about his job; I told him I couldn't have that conversation anymore.  He is miserable because he hates his job.  I am miserable because I am sick and can do nothing about it, because I am going to be 35 in three months and am still childless, because my husband is miserable and because I am straight up depressed.

I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.  I have taken no joy in any of the things I like to do for months.  I am a singer by nature; it's what I do, it's who I am.  I am a music teacher.  H and I met through music.  I sing in an a cappella group and I used to love practicing and working on music; now it's a chore.  Cooking and baking were big hobbies of mine, but food makes my stomach worse so even though I eat it always gives me anxiety and worry.  So that's out.  I don't want to do anything.  I used to be so passionate about so many things in my life; now the only thing I have been passionate about is getting healthy so we could start a family................

But that's out for now too.  I realize that in big huge bright lights now.  We are avoiding until I get better and until we can figure out our shit.  I told my husband last night that once my benefits kick in in April he should quit his job, even if he doesn't have anything else lined up.  I just can't deal with him and his job misery anymore.  He has no idea if he wants to work for himself or find another job.  I really don't give a shit what he does as long as he is happy and making some money.  I would be perfectly happy to be the main breadwinner.  I feel terrible that I am so mean and short about this with him and I know it isn't really me to be this impatient and cranky and straight bitchy.  I know that in reality it is because I don't feel good and I am getting to the last straw with it.

I am hoping that if I got back on meds it will help me cope a little better and just help me to get through.    When (if) the time comes for me to think about pregnancy again I will cross that bridge when I come to it.  The issue is that the last time I went on meds I had terrible trouble with racing heartbeat.  Even when I took Lexapro, which I had taken for eleven years prior to being off of them.  I hope I can find something I can handle this time around again.  But whatever helps me is what I will do.  I can't stand living this way anymore.


  1. I'm so, so, sorry that you're going through this Cat. No one deserves to go through what you've had to deal with. I really hope you get some answers soon. And I hope that you take the time to take care of yourself. **Hugs**

  2. ::HUGS:: catmagick. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. You're such a strong woman and I just know that you'll pull through this. I hope that you and your husband find happiness soon. I'm always here for you if you ever need to talk.

  3. thanks ladies. It means a lot to me that you care.
